After being closed for more than six months due to the coronavirus epidemic, Asian casino operator NagaCorp Limited is said to have made the formal announcement that its enormous NagaWorld facility in Cambodia has been reopened.
The development in the city of Phnom Penh was temporarily closed on March 1 after eleven members of its employees tested positive for coronavirus, according to a report from Inside Asian Gaming. The Hong Kong-listed company disclosed this information in an official Sunday filing. According to the source, this situation for the property's 1,658 rooms was only changed as of September 15 thanks to clearance from the Ministry of Health and the implementation of a number of public health and safety regulations.
Immunisation is necessary:
NagaWorld is presently only accessible to those who have had a complete coronavirus vaccination and who can provide a negative test result that was acquired within the last seven days, according to information provided by NagaCorp Limited. Although more than 95% of the complex's employees have already been "double-jabbed," the operator clarified that these protections also apply to everyone working within the 21-story building.
Pronunciation of partition
NagaWorld has apparently been separated into 37 different zones that visitors must scan into and out of using a rapid response (QR) code service in order to further safeguard their customers and employees from the risks posed by coronavirus, according to information provided by NagaCorp Limited. According to the firm, anybody who later tests positive for the extremely infectious illness or is known to have visited an infected room must be placed under a strict quarantine in accordance with Ministry of Health regulations, and any offending locations must be sterilised.
Future change
According to reports, NagaCorp Limited used the filing to forecast that business at its NagaWorld operation would be further aided by China's impending resumption of travel to Cambodia, despite the country's recent daily coronavirus infection rate reaching 1,000. Cambodia is home to close to 16 million people. The operator stated that its future plan would entail utilising "the opportunities offered by the tourism business generated by foreign visitation when the visitation numbers pick up," therefore the situation has improved over the previous few days.
Posing with poise:
In accordance with reports, NagaCorp Limited's NagaWorld facility "shall continue to promote tourism in line with the national expectation" and "benefit from the strong bilateral ties between China and Cambodia" to "become a key player in the promotion of tourism-related business between the two countries." Cambodia may start allowing fully-vaccinated visitors from China to enter its borders as soon as next week.
Apparently read the NagaCorp Limited statement...
In the fourth quarter of this year, the Cambodian government plans to reopen for travellers who have received vaccinations. Since its debut, NagaWorld has served as the hub of entertainment and recreational activities for visiting guests because to its beautiful and high-quality amenities and advantageous placement in the city centre.